Competence Profiles
The profiles will include in detail the activities involved in the design of the adult learning process and in the monitoring and evaluation of the adult learning process, respectively. They will also include the associated knowledge, skills and competences required, structured in units of learning outcomes.
The profiles will be developed on the basis of desk research and expert interviews. They will refer to the existing European Framework “Key competences for adult learning professionals” (Research voor Beleid 2010) and will be linked to the European Qualifications Framework.
DEMAL Competence Profiles
DEMAL Competence Profiles Research Report
DEMAL Competence Profiles Research Report Annex

Training courses
DEMAL will develop and pilot two in-service training courses for adult learning professionals in the selected key competence areas. Each training course will have a theoretical part that will be delivered through e-learning and a practical part that will be delivered in a 5-days workshop.
The e-learning part will have a duration of eight weeks and will consist mainly of the theoretical contents and some practical exercises and assessment tests. The participants can follow the e-learning at their own pace and control their allocation of time.
The workshop will have a duration of five days / 30 hours and will consist mainly of practical application of skills and competences, through case studies, role play games and projects.
The courses will be structured in units of learning outcomes, following the competence profile.
DEMAL Training course
Design of Adult Learning Courses - Course Structure and Contents
Evaluation of Adult Education and Training Activities - Course Structure and Contents

Learning resources
DEMAL will develop a range of learning resources for the development of the two selected key competences and for use in the two DEMAL in-service training courses. These resources will include
- theoretical content (powerpoint presentations, video lectures) for each learning unit
- additional resources (list of bibliography, documents, web-sites from other sources)
- two case studies for each in-service training course; each case study will present a real situation in an adult learning organisation and display processes, methods and tools for the relevant key competence
- one role play game for each in-service training courses; each role play game will simulate a real situation in an adult learning organisation, with the aim to involve the learners in the processes of design and monitoring and evaluation of adult learning;
- assessment tests for each learning unit, with 3-4 different exercises each and with projects that involve collaboration of the learners.
Design of Adult Learning Courses - Learning Resources
Evaluation of Adult Education and Training Activities - Learning Resources

Course planning app
DEMAL will develop and test a digital course planning app which can be used on various types of end devices and which supports teachers in choosing appropriate methods/activities for their course and building up a coherent course plan. The app will draw on a repertoire of theoretical content (descriptions of each method, explaining its potential effect and application examples) and will offer an easy to use filter function for selecting appropriate methods for various purposes according to a number parameters (e.g. type of learning aims, type of media, number of students in the learning group etc.). The app may thus serve on the one hand a learning resource for self-directed learning. On the other hand it also represents a practical tool which helps adult learning teachers make well-founded pedagogical decisions in their daily practice.

Validation framework
DEMAL will develop a framework for the validation of non-formal and informal learning outcomes in the two selected key competence areas. Such validation will allow the candidate to acquire the professional qualification without attending the respective training course or with attending only part of it. The validation will be based on a portfolio of a candidate, assessment tests and an interview. The frameworks will be based on the two competence profiles which will be developed in the first phase of DEMAL and they will refer to European instruments (e.g. EQF, ECVET, ECTS) to ensure coherence with European developments and enhance its potential for wider use.